Jaguar Spares Day


Trader Information

We are returning to the NAEC, Stoneleigh as Hall 3 is now available. Visitors will enter the lobby from 6 Street and the entrance to Hall 3 is to the right of the lobby before the restaurant. Traders’ vehicles will enter the hall from 6 Street. Stall costs are: £120 for a full bay. There are a limited number of half bays available at £70 each. If you want a half-bay, please email the organiser and we will try and arrange this or pair you up with someone else who only wants a half-bay.

ENTRANCE: Traders and public will enter via the main gate.

PAYMENT: All forms must be accompanied by full payment. All cheques should be made out to International Jaguar Spares Day Ltd. Payment can be made electronically by credit / debit card by calling 01582 419332 or via BACS using these details: Lloyds Bank Sort Code 30-98-97, Account Number: 73533660, Account Name: International Jaguar Spares Day Ltd.

SETTING-UP TIMES:Traders will be able to set up from 7.30 – 9.30am on Sunday morning. Saturday setup is not possible due to cost. Vehicle passes and wristbands must be displayed to gain entry to the showground. For the safety of pedestrians while vehicle movements are taking place during set-up and break-down, hi-viz vests or jackets must be worn by traders. It is a condition of entry that these are worn. If you do not bring one, you must purchase one at the event organiser’s office.

WRISTBANDS: Two wristbands per bay will be issued with your booking. These are passes for stallholders and their staff and must be worn. Additional wristbands can be purchased on request at £10.00 each.

STALL SECURITY: On the day, please continue to be vigilant with your stall security. We strongly advise you to keep your cash on your person at all times and to keep valuable stock in a secure manner. If you have a smart phone you may wish to consider buying a credit/debit card reader, which can reduce the need for cash, and may help your sales.

GAS BOTTLES: No naked lights or cookers are permitted in the building.

PARKING: Stallholders’ vehicles can be parked in the stock vehicle park or within your stand if space permits.

ACCOMMODATION: There are no rooms available at Stoneleigh Park Lodge on 16th March at the present time but there are several hotels within a couple of miles.

Venue website:

Booking Forms


For trade bookings, please email or phone 07305 907675